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Notice of Open Meeting – ECAP

Notice of Open Meeting

Pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, this public notice is provided regarding a meeting of the Award Committee of the Hays County Emergency Cash Assistance Program (ECAP):

Date/Time:      Wednesday, December 16, 2020, at 3:00 p.m.

Location:         Virtual Meeting-Join by either going to the website: and scroll down the page to section titled Award Process and click on link and use the password: ECAP

or by using the link:

 and use the password: ECAP

Subject:           The Award Committee will conduct general business, which may include discussions regarding advertising of the program, consideration of grant applications, processing of awards, and other matters related thereto.

Public Participation

Members of the public and press are encouraged to observe and monitor the open session portions of the deliberation, but active participation in discussions or presentations is expressly prohibited unless permitted by the Ground Rules established by ECAP.

Representatives for either ECAP may suspend the open meeting at any time during the proceedings for an executive session.  Pursuant to valid exceptions to Open Meetings under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code (including Sections 551.071 and 551.087), the ECAP Award Committee’s deliberations during his period are closed to the public. All actions of the ECAP Award Committee will be made in Open session.

Hays County