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RM 3237 at RM 150 Intersection Improvement Project (Pct. 3)

RM 3237 at RM 150 Intersection Improvement Project (Precinct 3)

Purpose of the Project

Below are animations of two possible solutions (clicking on them will take you to the Hays County YouTube Channel):

 Recommended Roundabout Design



The proposed roundabout project is intended to provide a safer and higher capacity intersection in anticipation of surrounding development and increased traffic in the area. The recommended roundabout will reduce potential traffic conflicts and accidents. In time, as the surrounding area develops and traffic volumes steadily increase, there will be longer delays and more congestion at this intersection. The roundabout provides a higher level of service while reducing delays and congestion in the near future and long term.

Location Intersection of RM 3237 and RM 150, near Hays City Store
Description This project consists of the design and construction of a single lane roundabout to replace an existing T- Intersection with a right-hand turn lane.
Funding Program 2016 Road Bond Program (Early project development costs through construction design). 80% of construction funding awarded through Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) FY 2019- 2022 Transportation Improvement Program process.
Preliminary Engineering Surveying is complete.  Initial Plans (30%) are under development by the design engineer, American Structurepoint, Inc. Initial plans are scheduled for review by Hays County in early January 2020.
Construction Cost The estimated roundabout construction cost is $1.33M (including right-of-way acquisition). Estimated Construction for an alternative T-Intersection is $1.65M.
Environmental Not initiated. Anticipated to be a Categorical Exclusion clearance document for elements of the RM 3237 improvement program.
ROW Acquisition Additional ROW will be required for this project to accommodate a new roundabout intersection. Not initiated.
Utility Relocation Minor utility relocations will likely be identified during final design of the project. Not initiated.
Construction Design 30% PS&E for the roundabout are under development. Anticipated submittal for Hays County review is early January 2020.
Construction Start and Completion Estimated to be ready to bid by TxDOT in December 2020. Construction start in April 2021, finishing in December 2021.
Hays County